Donate to the Bowditch PTSA
Donations to Bowditch PTSA for 2024-25
Help us reach our goal of $100,000 by making a donation to the Bowditch Middle School PTSA. We are asking for a donation of $250 per student.
To make a donation or to become a PTSA Member, please use the
Bowditch PTSA Direct Donation/Membership form
The Form and Payment may be dropped off at the Bowditch office or mailed directly to Bowditch Middle School PTSA, 1450 Tarpon St., Foster City, CA 94404.
Online donations and PTSA membership can be made online (via PayPal) using our
Online Donation and Membership form.
Bowditch PTSA Membership (includes membership to the California and National PTA) is $10 for each membership. Benefits of a Bowditch PTSA Membership can be found on the PTSA Membership page.
Bowditch Middle School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization. Donations (not membership) are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our tax ID is 23-7039143.
2024-25 Welcome Letter from the Bowditch PTSA President
Jul 25, 2024
Welcome back Buccaneers!
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our Buccaneers as we start our 2024-2025 school year.. To our 6th graders and new 7th and 8th graders - an especially warm welcome to our Bowditch family.
The PTSA is committed to bringing students an enriching, fun and safe return to school. Please help us do this through:
MEMBERSHIP - Our collective voice carries more weight. Last year we had the weakest membership turn out in several years. This year our goal is to have at least 150 Parents, Students and Staff join Bowditch PTSA. Bowditch PTSA Membership also includes membership to California PTA and National PTA.
FUNDING - Your donations towards school programs supports our students and teachers.
Student Clubs, Student Council
Student Rewards Programs, Reflections, Spelling Bee
Electives, Assemblies, Performing Arts, Sports, Bowditch Library
Classroom supplies, Agendas, Notebooks
Teacher Support, Staff funding, Staff Appreciation, Founders Day
Technology/Capital Improvement support for the school
PTSA events like Talent Show, Ice-cream social, Movie night etc
We ask for a donation of $250/student but any amount is appreciated. You can submit this combined PTSA DONATION/MEMBERSHIP FORM during back to school night, online or drop it off anytime at the Bowditch office at anytime throughout the school year. Don’t forget to double your donation by using company match programs through your employer.
COMMUNICATION - We work diligently to keep families informed. Please:
Join our Bowditch PTSA Facebook Page
Visit the Bowditch PTSA Website
VOLUNTEERISM - There are many ways to get involved from joining the executive board, serving on a committee, or helping at an event. Please reach out to us at if you would like to hear more.
By working together as a team, supporting each other and remaining flexible in our approach, we can make this year a great experience for all families.
At Your Service,
Bowditch PTSA President, 2024-25